The role of a lawyer in making a decision on investing in a certain area

Legal practice shows that one of the most frequent questions from investors is “How can a lawyer help with the selection and analysis of the investment market?” or “Can legal experts, regarding the subject of study, follow the investor in the business steps undertaken and in what way”?

The “IBRAHIMOVIC & CO” Law Firm, having recognized the key questions that practically arise in every investment decision with a domestic or foreign investor, in this text, provides adequate answers to the above questions.
The role of a lawyer in making a decision on investing in a certain area is multiple and of fundamental importance. Bearing in mind that every area is regulated by laws and/or by-laws – from initial investment as an examination of the profitability of investing, market trends, location selection, selection of workers and regulation of labor relations, state aid, creditworthiness, business development, taxation based on direct and indirect taxes, and countless others, the lawyers from the above propose and present the possibilities of the person who invests, in accordance with the needs and interests of the investor.

Lawyers primarily prepare (verbal or written) legal analysis of the acceptability of the proposed investment, which includes familiarization with the legal framework of the interest area, counseling and a proposal for action in the current circumstances. If there has already been a positive investment decision, the lawyers take the step of monitoring the entire business of the client-investor, and in accordance with the given needs, issue recommendations in order to avoid acting against the law, that is, they approach court or arbitration proceedings, depending on the specific case.
The Law Firm “IBRAHIMOVIC & CO” points out that court proceedings are resorted to only in the cases when all previous activities of agreement related to the issue were unsuccessful.

However, the work of a lawyer is not limited to the above. Lawyers are familiar with tax, customs and other relevant regulations that are subject to frequent changes. Based on the information, the lawyers advise the investor on the course of action. In such cases, the impact of changes in regulations on the investor’s business is primarily analyzed from several aspects, according to established parameters.
If the same analysis indicates an anomaly in the investor’s business, the lawyers are involved in a legal battle with the aim of realizing and protecting the rights of the investor-client.
For example, in the United States of America, the role of a lawyer is necessary when undertaking the first economic activities in order to obtain adequate legal protection.
Lawyers in the role of advisers provide services and direct the activity of the business entity in accordance with valid legal solutions.

In a big part of Europe, opinions on the role of lawyers in business operations are divided.
In practice, business entities most often need lawyers if there are circumstances that lead to the court proceedings or when an authorized body has already established an irregularity in their work.
The timely engagement of a lawyer can and does prevent the risks that may arise from unknowing illegal activity.


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