Areas of expertise
Labor Law
We offer advisory services that, among other things, include:
- drafting labor-legal and obligation-legal contracts (employment agreements, executive employment contract with or without employment, contract on temporary and occasional jobs, service agreements, etc.);
- employment of foreign citizens and obtaining the necessary permits (temporary residence in BiH, work permit, various certificates, establishment and termination of employment);
- drafting of individual internal bylaws (decisions or rulings on the rights and obligations of workers) and general internal acts (labor rulebook, rulebook on job systematization, rulebook on disciplinary and material responsibility of workers, rulebook on safety and health protection of workers at work, rulebook on use of personal protective equipment, decision on redistribution of working hours, decision on payment of compensation for hot meals, etc.);
- implementation of disciplinary procedures for minor and serious violations of work obligations and procedures for determining and compensation of material damages caused to the employer or third parties, with the preparation of acts on determined liability for violation of work obligations or causing damages;
- regular termination of employment contracts due to economic, technical or organizational reasons, due to the inability of the employee to perform his / her employment obligations, etc. legally stipulated bases, including the development of workers redundancy programs;
- reassignment of workers to another position due to reduced working capacity;
- procedures for amicable settlement of labor disputes, etc.
- representation in labor disputes due to violation of employment rights, including discrimination and mobbing, compensation for material and non-material damages (claims based on salaries, contributions and other income, fair compensation for injury at work), etc.
In addition to the above, we provide legal services in matter of business mobility and restructuring of companies, from the aspect of labor relations, and provide full support for resolving unresolved labor relations arising from privatization, acquisitions, economic, technological and technical restructuring, termination of business, as well as in regulating labor relations according to other business needs of the client. Also, we provide full support to foreign / multinational companies operating in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the field of labor relations.