Areas of expertise
Collection of receivables / Bankruptcy and liquidation
IA Lawyers offer assistance and counseling in case of bankruptcy and liquidation of companies, especially:
- obtaining detailed information regarding the debtor and his property status in the competent registers, checking the existence of other modalities for debt collection, except for court proceedings;
- checking for the existence of conditions for opening bankruptcy proceedings against the debtor;
- formulating requests for payment to the debtor, representing clients in their relationship with the debtor during extrajudicial negotiations, in order to find an amicable solution;
- initiating and conducting litigations, monitoring the payment of debts, contacting debtors with the aim of orderly payment, and providing legal assistance in the enforcement of a judgment against creditors or debtors
- collection of receivables from economic entities that are not from Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the event that the procedure can be conducted in accordance with the regulations of Bosnia and Herzegovina. After the successful completion of the procedure before the local courts, in cooperation with partners from other countries of the world, we successfully realize the collection of receivables in favor of clients.
- we assist companies that are going through insolvency, blockade, or threatening blockade of business and offer them the best solutions to reduce costs;
- we help creditors of bankrupt companies to file claims and collect debts;
- we advise authorized persons in a blocked companies or companies threatened to be blocked, on best action practices;
- we provide a complete legal service during the closing down and liquidation of business entities;
- we advise on preparing the company for the opening of bankruptcy/liquidation proceedings, including advising on the commercial debts of the insolvent company or the company that will be closed;
- we provide assistance and represent clients during the meetings of the board of creditors and all procedures conducted by the liquidation receiver/liquidator;
- we represent clients during negotiations regarding payment obligations and commercial debts;
- we are actively engaged in resolving all claims related to client debts;
- we provide assistance and representation of the client's interests in their relations with creditors, liquidation receiver/bankruptcy judge throughout the proceedings;
- we actively participate and negotiate with potential buyers of goods or assets of the companies that are going through a difficult financial situation; -advising clients in banking and payment services activities within the digital financial services, based on legal support for the development, procurement, and investment in innovative financial services based on technology
Contact persons

Nadin Kantić
Attorney at Law │ Partner
Areas of expertise: Banking Law; Contract Law in commercial transactions; Customs; Insurance.