Representatives from the Law Firm Participated in the Panel Discussion “Energy Transformation in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Who Turned on the Light?”

The panel discussion “Energy Transformation in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Who Turned on the Light?“, part of the “EMPOWERED WOMAN” project, was held on Monday, June 10, 2024, at the premises of the Sarajevo Regional Development Agency (SERDA).

The event, organized by the Association “Women for Women International”, the Association for Green Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Sources “UzH2OIE”, EMPOWER CONSULTING Ltd., AIK Ltd., and the Law Firm “Ibrahimović & CO”, attracted a large audience from both governmental and non-governmental sectors.

During the two-hour discussion, the current energy policy of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the permitting processes for the development of renewable energy projects (RES) were highlighted. Representatives from the Law Firm, attorney Leila Salijević and attorney and energy law expert Tomislav Tomas, alongside other participants, discussed the issues and stagnation in development, as well as possible solutions to the major obstacles faced by domestic and foreign investors in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

More details about the event can be found at the following link and source: U Sarajevu održana panel diskusija “Energetska transformacija BiH – Ko je upalio svjetlo? – Biznis.ba – Poslovni magazin



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